Guide to Being on Camera

What to Wear

  1. Choose solid, neutral colors. Bright or patterned clothing can be distracting on camera. Stick with solid, neutral colors like black, navy, gray, or beige.
  2. Dress in layers. Layering allows for different looks and can also help to hide any wrinkles or creases in your clothing.
  3. Avoid shiny fabrics. Shiny fabrics can cause glare and reflection on camera, making it difficult to see your face.
  4. Wear clothing that fits well. Clothing that is too tight or too loose can be unflattering on camera. Make sure your clothing fits well and is comfortable to move in.
  5. Avoid busy patterns. Busy patterns can be distracting on camera and make it difficult to focus on your face. Stick with simple, solid-colored clothing.
  6. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Make sure your clothing is appropriate for the type of video you will be appearing in.
  7. Avoid busy jewelry. Avoid accessorizing with large, busy jewelry or other accessories that could be distracting on camera.
  8. Practice good grooming. Make sure your hair is styled and your makeup is applied appropriately for the camera.
  9. Make sure your clothes are ironed. Wrinkles are very noticeable on camera, so make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free before you start filming.
  10. Lastly, be confident in what you wear and own your look!

How to stay relaxed on Camera

  1. Practice deep breathing exercises before filming. Taking slow, deep breaths can help to calm your nerves and make you feel more relaxed on camera.
  2. Use positive self-talk. Remind yourself that you are capable and confident, and that you will do a great job on camera.
  3. Get comfortable with your surroundings. Take some time to walk around the set and get familiar with your surroundings. This will help you to feel more at ease when filming begins.
  4. Use open body language. Keep your shoulders back and your head up to appear confident and relaxed on camera.
  5. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to project confidence and ease. Avoid speaking too quickly or too slowly.
  6. Practice your delivery. Practice delivering your lines or presentation in front of a mirror or with a friend to build your confidence.
  7. Use humor. If appropriate, use humor to lighten the mood and make yourself and others feel more relaxed.
  8. Take breaks. If you start to feel nervous or stressed, take a break and step away from the camera for a few minutes to compose yourself.
  9. Trust your preparation. Remember that you have prepared for this and you are ready.
  10. Lastly, be yourself. Try to be as natural as possible and let your personality shine through. Avoid trying to be someone else, just be yourself!